That's bethelite speak for "you're fired". It's false advertising, that if you make it through your first year there, you're home-free or off probation. You're being watched at all times, unless you're a heavy or have been there for years. If Bethel wants you gone, they can and will manufacture reasons to kick you out. I would give a second thought to that if I were them, because ex-bethelites = future-apostates. They been there, seen it all and are disillusioned. In fact one bethel heavy once told me "many brothers that leave bethel are never heard from again." That's true. I wonder about exact figures on what the turnover is at Bethel. When I was there, it seemed to be more "being asked to leave" then were coming. Makes you wonder..................
Black Man
JoinedPosts by Black Man
"We're Asking You to Leave"
by Black Man inthat's bethelite speak for "you're fired".
it's false advertising, that if you make it through your first year there, you're home-free or off probation.
you're being watched at all times, unless you're a heavy or have been there for years.
The WTS, Downsizing and Contributions.
by hillary_step inas most of you may have gathered, the past couple of years have seen some major downsizing in wts expenditure, not just overseas but in the us and canada, including the sale of some buildings.
building projects have been shelved, some half-way completed.
every congregation around the world was instructed to upgrade kindgom halls, probably for the purposes of asset protection, as the trustees of khs are only trustees *for* the wts.
Black Man
I hate to rain on everyone's parade, but the society isn't as broke as one would be led to believe. I can't comment on the other branches, but the U.S. branch has so much capital/equity/assets, that they won't go broke for a long time............
AlanF, I just wanted to say.........
by WildHorses ini really admire you.
you care so much about helping jw's to see the truth that you spare no personal expense to do so.
i hope to one day be half the person you have proven yourself to be.. shari
Black Man
yep........ditto on everyone's sentiments......
Alan, you've helped more than you'll ever know......thanks for all your hard work.............
Armageddon & 9/11
by Black Man inwhat's up, people?
been a while since i've posted.
anyhow, just thinking about 9/11 the other day as i was watching a special on tv which has made me realize that for years we were part of an organization that has looked forward to the death of the vast majority of mankind in much the same manner as the 9/11 tragedy (check out some of the pictures and witness porn from older publications especially).
Black Man
Armageddon & 9/11
by Black Man inwhat's up, people?
been a while since i've posted.
anyhow, just thinking about 9/11 the other day as i was watching a special on tv which has made me realize that for years we were part of an organization that has looked forward to the death of the vast majority of mankind in much the same manner as the 9/11 tragedy (check out some of the pictures and witness porn from older publications especially).
Black Man
Armageddon & 9/11
by Black Man inwhat's up, people?
been a while since i've posted.
anyhow, just thinking about 9/11 the other day as i was watching a special on tv which has made me realize that for years we were part of an organization that has looked forward to the death of the vast majority of mankind in much the same manner as the 9/11 tragedy (check out some of the pictures and witness porn from older publications especially).
Black Man
What's up, people? Been a while since I've posted. Anyhow, just thinking about 9/11 the other day as I was watching a special on tv which has made me realize that for years we were part of an organization that has looked forward to the death of the vast majority of mankind in much the same manner as the 9/11 tragedy (check out some of the pictures and witness porn from older publications especially). Peeps running for their lives, blood and soot pouring down their bodies, the look of utter horror on their faces. I'm sure that there where lots of JW's who were happily anticipating that the World Trade Center incident marked the start of the end. Disturbing! It really made me realize the fact that though we were taught to be pacifists (encouraged not fight or even argue), but the publishing company god is anything but that. We've been taught to forgive and be merciful. The publishing company God won't have the capacity to do that at Armageddon.
So here we are led to believe that out of the over 6 BILLION peeps on earth, only 6 MILLION (less than 1 percent) will survive a far-grander World Trade Center Disaster. Just recalling the looks of horror and helplessness of peeps caught up in the World Trade disaster is enough to convince me that (1) A loving God would not destroy the world, and/or do it in that manner (2) If God is going to destroy the world in that manner, I want no part in serving a bloodthirsty entity such as that.
I'm underwhelmed by an all-powerful God who can only save less than 1 percent of the population during the big blood-bath................doesn't sound to powerful at all does it?
Armageddon & 9/11
by Black Man inwhat's up, people?
been a while since i've posted.
anyhow, just thinking about 9/11 the other day as i was watching a special on tv which has made me realize that for years we were part of an organization that has looked forward to the death of the vast majority of mankind in much the same manner as the 9/11 tragedy (check out some of the pictures and witness porn from older publications especially).
Black Man
What's up, people? Been a while since I've posted. Anyhow, just thinking about 9/11 the other day as I was watching a special on tv which has made me realize that for years we were part of an organization that has looked forward to the death of the vast majority of mankind in much the same manner as the 9/11 tragedy (check out some of the pictures and witness porn from older publications especially). Peeps running for their lives, blood and soot pouring down their bodies, the look of utter horror on their faces. I'm sure that there where lots of JW's who were happily anticipating that the World Trade Center incident marked the start of the end. Disturbing! It really made me realize the fact that though we were taught to be pacifists (encouraged not fight or even argue), but the publishing company god is anything but that. We've been taught to forgive and be merciful. The publishing company God won't have the capacity to do that at Armageddon.
So here we are led to believe that out of the over 6 BILLION peeps on earth, only 6 MILLION (less than 1 percent) will survive a far-grander World Trade Center Disaster. Just recalling the looks of horror and helplessness of peeps caught up in the World Trade disaster is enough to convince me that (1) A loving God would not destroy the world, and/or do it in that manner (2) If God is going to destroy the world in that manner, I want no part in serving a bloodthirsty entity such as that.
I'm underwhelmed by an all-powerful God who can only save less than 1 percent of the population during the big blood-bath................doesn't sound to powerful at all does it?
Was There Ever A Circuit Overseer That You Couldn't Stand?
by minimus ini know this has been discussed before but i think a fresh thread on this will be enjoyable.
Black Man
ANTRIM SMITH. Pompous, judgmental, PHARISAICAL, bastard summbitch. Never in my years have I seen such a twisted, ego-inflated, spiritual bad-cop. Took delight in removing whole bodies of elders for the simple reason that they refused to kiss the ground he walked on. He once removed a whole body of elders at the adjoining congregation then lambasted them for not contributing monies toward his c.o. expenses spinning it as if it was an affront against God. I've never seen someone come in and deflate the mood of a whole circuit like he did. I've never seen someone discourage such a wide spectrum of the friends from elders, ms, pioneers to the everyday joe-schmoe publisher. Once removed an elder because he thought he had one of his radio stations preset to an urban/hip hop music station.
Sometimes in cases like that, the c.o.'s wife kind of balances it out by being nice and approachable, but there was no redeeming quality about his wife. She was just as evil, anti-social as he was/is. He is currently terrorizing a circuit down in Cleveland, Ohio.
Its been almost a year since I've been out; got a visit this past Sunday
by Leander inlast year on may 18th i officially stopped attending jw meetings, i first told my wife and then i wrote a brief letter stating that i was resigning as a ms. over that time period i've had some doubts about whether or not i was doing the right thing, but basically i feel that i've made the correct decision.
unfortunately i can't say that i've become more spiritual during these past few months, however i do feel more and more strongly that there are many things in the bible that may be erroneous.
i'm not at the point of being an atheist, but i do feel that i'm ignorant of god's purpose for humans.
Black Man
What's up Leander.......
Just dealing with the slave-class part.......there is NO slave class. THE WTBS have taken ONE scripture where it makes mention of a Faithful & Discreet Slave Class and turned it into their MOST EFFECTIVE marketing tool. There really isn't a basis for it. If there would be mentioned more than the ONE time it is brought up in the bible.....................
Keep pluggin' away bro'............good luck.
by nicolaou ini wondered if simon or some of you other 'techies' out there might be interested to know that the society's main domain reaches it's two year expiry on thursday 15th march.
(4 days (duh!)).
is it possible to take it from under their noses?
Black Man
I thought I'd bump this back up. Their domain name is set to expire on 3.15.03. Don't know if someone can look into this and do something about it.